xiaoyaxiao 发表于 2024-02-07 23:45
网站上有这样的testimony:"I felt like my student didn’t fall neatly into the three curriculum categories –beginner, intermediate, and advanced– so I made my own. My student and I would create a slideshow and take turns presenting during our classes. It was a really interesting experience, and I learned so much from our presentations. The classes would be 20 to 30 minutes long, and we would present the presentations we made and talk through them and share information. I think my relationship with my student isn’t a traditional teacher-student, but more like peers that learn from each other. This program has developed so many of my life skills and helped me make a new friend." 也不知道谁教谁,可能就是陪玩吧。对方是国内的有学英文口语的需求。