Minute 发表于 2023-12-01 03:00
确实, 龚俊次沙都是五官舒展, 龚俊皮肤更细腻白皙。
戴大墨镜的当作生图很难评, 对别人不公平
Minute 发表于 2023-12-01 03:00
确实, 龚俊次沙都是五官舒展, 龚俊皮肤更细腻白皙。
戴大墨镜的当作生图很难评, 对别人不公平
alloccupied 发表于 2023-12-01 02:32
龚俊太帅了。 现场摄影师见到真人的感受, 是照片感受不到的
发哥好像前几年开始健康饮食跑步健身, 状态一直不错。
郭富城前些年状态也很好, 拍了很多电影。
看到香港黄金时代演员, 还挺感慨
工作室拍的也很不错。 太酷了!
shalalala2 发表于 2023-12-02 14:32
从没听说过, 不懂她在喷啥
大秀前晚私人晚宴上龚俊有幸和跨界音乐和时尚的LV设计总监Pharrell Williams合影
id2021 发表于 2023-12-02 16:45
龚俊晚宴的私服风格和总监很搭, 大秀穿的和总监风格也很搭, 都比较CHIC 都打了领带。
龚俊时尚敏感度高, 品味非常sophisticated.
id2021 发表于 2023-12-04 10:53
黄金时代的港星还是都 hang in there...
id2021 发表于 2023-12-04 10:51
不是街头风啊。 有人搞街头风拍马屁 翻车了
shalalala2 发表于 2023-12-01 19:01
比生图戴个大墨镜, 摘掉就给你上精修
slowvsflash 发表于 2023-12-04 00:51
是的, 没有粉丝滤镜的路人最客观。 三停五眼到位 五官端正应该是演员明星基本。
总监的歌“Happy” 可是大名鼎鼎,家喻户晓
lovebeach 发表于 2023-12-03 21:05
大秀前晚私人晚宴上龚俊有幸和跨界音乐和时尚的LV设计总监Pharrell Williams合影
id2021 发表于 2023-12-02 16:45
昨天听了一下LV时尚总监 Pharrell Williams的福布斯访谈, cultured and intellectually humble!
12“ 这里谈到 A great collaborator:
" A good collaborator knows how to make it work and enjoys it. A great collaborator knows how to reduce and pull back their energy to allow someone else to shine as bright and be comfortable to get the best out of them. Not everybody can deal with having equal energy in the room and so for me, for people who are really like "Super Alpha", I become more of a mirror than I am anything else and I''''m helping them to see their blind spots without pointing them out, I''''m just being a mirror. I think that''''s the greatest in collaboration when your energy is not impeding on somebody else''''s ego space - uninterrupted.... you study...
昨天听了一下Pharrell Williams的福布斯访谈, cultured and intellectually humble!
12“ 这里谈到 A great collaborator:
" A good collaborator knows how to make it work and enjoys it. A great collaborator knows how to reduce and pull back their energy to allow someone else to shine as bright and be comfortable to get the best out of them. Not everybody can deal with having equal energy in the room and so for me, for people who are really like super alpha, I become more of a mirror than I am anything else and I''''''''m helping them to see their blind spots without pointing them out, I''''''''''''''''m just being a mirror. I think that''''''''s the greatest in collaboration when your energy is not impeding on somebody else''''''''s ego space - uninterrupted.... you study...
祝福2022 发表于 2023-12-05 15:08
菲董不喜欢装13的! 他就默默看着他们 。。。。
GOOGLE 翻译器加润色 :)
“ 一个好的合作者知道如何让其发挥作用并享受它。一个伟大的合作者知道如何减少和收回自己的精力和锋芒,让其他人同样闪耀,让他们舒适地发挥自己的最大潜力。不是每个人都能应对 房间里有平等的能量和锋芒,所以对我来说,对于那些真正像“超级阿尔法(装B)”的人来说,我不去表现其他而只做一面镜子,我正在帮助他们看到他们的盲点而不指出他们, 我只是一面镜子。我认为,当你的能量不妨碍别人的自我空间时,这是最好的合作——别打扰……你就看着……
菲董不喜欢装13的! 他就默默看着他们 。。。。
祝福2022 发表于 2023-12-05 15:11
GOOGLE 翻译器加润色 :)
“ 一个好的合作者知道如何让其发挥作用并享受它。一个伟大的合作者知道如何减少和收回自己的精力和锋芒,让其他人同样闪耀,让他们舒适地发挥自己的最大潜力。不是每个人都能应对 房间里有平等的能量和锋芒,所以对我来说,对于那些真正像“超级阿尔法(装B)”的人来说,我不去表现其他而只做一面镜子,我正在帮助他们看到他们的盲点而不指出他们, 我只是一面镜子。我认为,当你的能量不妨碍别人的自我空间时,这是最好的合作——别打扰……你就看着……
昨天听了一下Pharrell Williams的福布斯访谈, cultured and intellectually humble!
12“ 这里谈到 A great collaborator:
" A good collaborator knows how to make it work and enjoys it. A great collaborator knows how to reduce and pull back their energy to allow someone else to shine as bright and be comfortable to get the best out of them. Not everybody can deal with having equal energy in the room and so for me, for people who are really like "Super Alpha", I become more of a mirror than I am anything else and I''''m helping them to see their blind spots without pointing them out, I''''m just being a mirror. I think that''''s the greatest in collaboration when your energy is not impeding on somebody else''''s ego space - uninterrupted.... you study...
祝福2022 发表于 2023-12-05 15:08
GOOGLE 翻译器加润色 :)
“ 一个好的合作者知道如何让合作顺利并享受它。一个伟大的合作者知道如何减少和收回自己的锋芒,让其他人同样闪耀,让他们舒适地发挥自己的最大潜力。不是每个人都能应对 房间里有平等的能量和锋芒,所以对我来说,对于那些真正像“超级阿尔法(装B)”的人来说,我不去表现其他而只做一面镜子,我正在帮助他们看到他们的盲点而不指出他们, 我只是一面镜子。我认为,当你的能量不妨碍别人的自我空间时,这是最好的合作——别打扰……你就看着……
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