大家可以给自己的house representative发邮件要求关注和对伪造证件/捂盖子的政府官员个人实施制裁(根据全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法)。这个不需要是绿卡或者公民。只要在辖区内居住就可以。Sample:
Recently, the story of a chained-up mother of eight in Xuzhou has deeply saddened and outraged the Chinese immigrant community in the US. The Chinese government repeatedly lied about whether she was a victim of human trafficking, issued a bogus marriage certificate to her under a fake name, arrested activists who tried to visit her, and silenced online discussions and petitions, while evidences surface that there may be other victims like her in the same village and human trafficking activities may be widespread in the region.
The local government of Feng Xian and Xuzhou city knowingly shielded and enabled the criminals to conduct severe human trafficking offenses on the mother of eight (who could have been a minor when first abducted) and potentially many other women and girls. Such behaviors constitute "knowingly aiding, assisting, or colluding with an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States". While this leads to inadmissibility to the US in general, the local officials are unlikely to be exposed or prosecuted at all by the Chinese authorities. So these officials not only face no consequences for their criminal acts, they and their families may even reside in the US while their victims suffer in shackles year-after-year.
The Magnitsky Act authorizes the US government to sanction those it sees as human rights offenders, freeze their assets, and ban them from entering the U.S. I implore you to consider sanctioning the local and municipal officials for enabling such long-term widespread human trafficking offenses.
另外还有对人大代表sanction的bill (Reps. Rogers, McClain, Banks, and Wilson Introduce Bill to Sanction Senior Leaders of the CCP)。成法的概率极低,支不支持见仁见智,但大家可以了解一下。