落地无声 发表于 2023-08-13 11:26
啊? “有些学校不看11年级以前的标考成绩”真的吗?哪些学校? 孩子开学10年级,刚考了act,36。不想再考任何标考了。难道11年级还要考?
落地无声 发表于 2023-08-13 11:26
啊? “有些学校不看11年级以前的标考成绩”真的吗?哪些学校? 孩子开学10年级,刚考了act,36。不想再考任何标考了。难道11年级还要考?
We believe that college admission testing in the 9th and 10th grades adds to the anxiety of a process that students won’t encounter for several years. As a result, we encourage students to submit 11th or 12th grade SAT or ACT scores (tests taken the summer after 10th grade are appropriate). While earlier tests may measure knowledge at the time they are taken, that level of knowledge gradually evolves and doesn’t fully represent the knowledge students bring to college first-year courses. Should students present tests taken two or more years in advance of their first-year experience, we''''d take the timing of the test results into consideration. The greater the amount of time prior to students'''' first year of college, the less we can rely on the test results as a fair representation of their knowledge entering Carnegie Mellon.
落地无声 发表于 2023-08-13 11:39
谢谢。 第一次听说。这也太搞了。不知还劝不劝得动孩子再考一次。够呛。