ecaeca 发表于 2025-01-19 10:22


很奇怪文章中声称“戴维斯来自一所传统黑人学校,在那里她是众多黑人女性中的一员。“Davis came from a historically Black college, where she was one of many Black women.” 然而戴维斯自己的学生网页上显示她的Undergraduate Institution是University Of Texas At San Antonio,并不是一所historically Black college

另外,“导师在学生的学术生涯中扮演着至关重要的角色,但他们很少接受关于如何有效进行教学和指导的系统培训,尤其是当面对文化背景迥异、成长经历不同的学生时,这种缺失就显得尤为突出。” 这在英文版本中是University of Wisconsin-Madison心理系教授Angela Byars-Winston接受采访时的观点。不知为何中文版本把这个人和她的其他不少言论都删掉了。Angela Byars-Winston的主页见下面:



Davis said, he singled her out for menial tasks that he did not assign to her non-Black labmates, like moving boxes on the weekends — and made comments implying she was incompetent. He told her, she said, to prepare for when she failed out of the program.

学校的信里 提到她是Strong student,跟上面incompetent的阐述也不太一致

But last fall, she got an email notifying her that she was being placed on academic probation. The email said that while she is a strong student, her faculty adviser would no longer work with her due to “irreconcilable differences.” Davis was given a few days to pack up the things on her desk, including the plaque with her dad’s obituary. If she does not find a new advisor and research project, she will lose her spot at the university.