她subtitle里头也有强调说只是个案。但是没有上下文,无法judge她为什么要专门引用这句话 以及专门指出这个学生是中国人 这样如何有助于解决问题。
interview之前 一般都有一些ethical约定 当初这个学生很诚实地跟interviewer说了这句话 研究者如何present 考虑哪些信息隐去或present 会带来什么影响 也很重要。
她subtitle里头也有强调说只是个案。但是没有上下文,无法judge她为什么要专门引用这句话 以及专门指出这个学生是中国人 这样如何有助于解决问题。
interview之前 一般都有一些ethical约定 当初这个学生很诚实地跟interviewer说了这句话 研究者如何present 考虑哪些信息隐去或present 会带来什么影响 也很重要。
下面是我的description of incident(经过chatgpt润色):
Rosalind Picard, speaking as a keynote speaker at a public conference, made an extremely racist and
discrimination remark. During her presentation, she displayed a slide quoting a Chinese student who
claimed, "Nobody at my school taught us morals or values." Although Picard included a disclaimer on the
same slide stating, "Most Chinese who I know are honest and morally upright," her response during the Q&A
session revealed her deeply biased and racist opinion toward Chinese people. She stated, "Maybe there is
one, maybe they are common, who knows what. I hope it was an outlier."
As a Chinese American, I find this deeply offensive. For context, it's worth noting that the subject of
'Morality' is mandatory throughout the education system in China.
文心雕虫 发表于 2024-12-14 16:20
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