Kim Cattrall (Samantha) 绝对不胖。就是她个子高,显得大只一点。她都50多的人了,能保持成那样真不简单。她在电视里喜欢穿比较flashy的套装。
我比较喜欢Carrie和Charlotte的有些衣服。Kristin Davis长得很甜美,上半身也不错,就是小象腿,所以她穿裙子好看,穿牛仔裤就不行。Charlotte在电视里也说"I hate my thighs",呵呵
Cynthia Nixon (Miranda) 倒是身材长相都一般,不过她在这里演律师,一般穿的比较正式。她演技也还不错,演什么像什么
Totally agree. I love Carrie's style. There is always a pleasant surprise in her style. Never Boring.
I'm going to buy Sex and the City DVD just to study her style.
Charlatte is the one I like next. Her style is classy and sweet. She wears dress suites and knee high coat a lot.
It was brightening to see her wearing sports clothes the other day with a stripe scarf.
(I'm going to get a stripe scarf too... )
Symantha's style is sexy and flashing. She wears hot pink a lot, matching her blonde hair perfectly.
It's amazing that she is over 50 now. What an encouragement to woman!
I don't like Miranda's style and personality. She's boring and always complaining....