Id: aboo
Due date: Dec 9th.
Id: aboo
Due date: Dec 9th.
Same B-day as my husband :D
My biggest symptom is feeling cold all the time. So I think you are fine.
I don't vomit either. I only threw up once I think it was due to my low blood sugar. So I totally understand you. But I started to get picky about food last week :)
有谁现在已经开始不好便便了么?我和prune juice也没用啊。
每天吃好多水果啊,都怀疑会不会过量了。看来得上地瓜。这边美国的grocery store 有卖不?叫什么名字?
Thank you!
This is great info! My due date was changed due to the baby's size yesterday. :) I will stick with the first one.
I did first trimester screen yesterday. I will decide what to do after I get the result.
I was the same. :) so no worries. big bless!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2012/5/22 9:10:19编辑过]
我的OB也希望我做个first look,因为他觉得我怀上的时候,即便生孩子的时候也没有35岁。其实也差不多了。不过这个东西都是建议,我坚持羊穿,他也没什么可说。
Everyone I know who did 羊穿 had no problem. So you will be fine too. Big bless!
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