拿破仑·柯斯特(1806 - 1883)出生于法国的弗朗斯孔泰,是19世纪法国最伟大的吉他作曲家,与梅尔兹并称最具代表性的浪漫主义吉他作曲家。柯斯特师从西班牙著名吉他演奏家、作曲家索尔,并与阿瓜多、卡尔卡西、雷吉那尼等多位吉他名家有密切来往。
三声中部. Trio原意为三重奏。后演化为复三部曲式中部的代名词,但不一定包含三个声部。
Berceuse et trio
Composer: Napoléon Coste (1806 - 1883)
Claude Antoine Jean Georges Napoléon Coste (27 June 1805 – 14 January 1883) was a French classical guitarist and composer. In Paris he studied under Fernando Sor and quickly became a virtuoso guitarist. His work was influenced by the Early Classical-Romantic composers of the time including Hector Berlioz. Coste had a special fondness for playing on a seven string guitar. Besides original compositions, Coste is known as one of the first composers to transcribe guitar music of the 17th century into modern musical notation.
Coste's work, Berceuse et trio, is selected as one of RCM (The Royal Conservatory of Music) grade 7 repertoire.