以下是引用jzsmile在2006-3-2 23:04:00的发言:
Like this picture a lot.
Like this picture a lot.
Adam Levine
其实,我觉得James Blunt的唱法和Adam Levine有点象,尤其是高声假音处理的部分,但James Blunt的声音更多了点沙粒质感,显得更man了些,也难怪偶一听就喜欢上了。
哈,最后再8一下,刚刚搜图片时看了一眼wikipedia上有关Adam的介绍,最后居然有这么一句话:“Levine has been linked to a number of Hollywood celebrities, including Natalie Portman, Paris Hilton, Kirsten Dunst, Lindsay Lohan, and, most recently, Jessica Simpson.”难道八卦说的Jessica Simpson抢Lindsay Lohan的男朋友抢的就是他?哈哈,太好玩了。。。
yeah, the "it" boy toy right now. linked to numerous actress,
Another one:
John Mayer
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