“No one can hurt you (or make you feel inferior) without your consent. ” ~ original statement made by Eleanor Roosevelt
'No one can hurt me without my permission' is a quote from Mahatma Gandhi
"Consent to sexual activity:
Consensual sex is when both parties are of legal age, agree to engage in intercourse by choice, and have the freedom and capacity to make that choice. This means agreeing to sexual relations without fear, coercion, force or intimidation. Giving consent is active, not passive. It means freely choosing to say ‘yes’ and also being free to change your mind at any time…. If someone is not able to give consent to sex, regardless of their age, it is a crime to have a sexual relationship with them."
~ Department of Health, Western Australia
[ https://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Consent-to-sexual-activity#:~:text=Consensual%20sex%20is%20when%20both,consent%20is%20active%2C%20not%20passive. ]