I am happy for 樓主。找到也領會出 自己生活中的情趣之所在。
I am happy for 樓主。找到也領會出 自己生活中的情趣之所在。
changheruhailiu 发表于 2022-02-13 05:13
我這個 亞斯伯格 思維,倒覺得沒什麼可「惊悚」的。
而且 還視乎對手
如果遇上我先生這樣的 性經驗、性知識都豐富、閱人夠多的,就很難保住性別的「秘密」了
記得第一次我與我先生的同事們第一次出去吃飯 team bonding 的活動
提議他講講 他們以前看到一個 站在街上的 「女妓」
他們同行的同事們開始都不知道 那人其實是「男」
只有我先生不用接觸 就能從觀察來準確判斷 那人是「男」(還有陰莖的)
我還傻呼呼的問我先生:「你沒看裸體怎麼證實?」(因為我的 metaphorical 思維比較弱 )
鬧得在場的男同事們都在大笑。 (當時只有我一位女同事)
其中一位旁聽的男同事開玩笑的對我說:「他是用了科學中的 唯物辯證法」
我還是不明白 他們男性 的性思維方向 有什麼好笑之處呢?
我和我先生是 BDSM 裏 D/S 的關係
按我在BDSM方面的經驗與知識 個人認為:
知不知道 對手的性別 與 BDSM 無關
遇上了更多男扮女裝的 朋友
如果不是我先生告訴我 「她」是誰
我當日一整天都把那人當作「女」性來 交談了一個多小時 感覺還特別好
這個 自己所信任對方的是什麼? 自己被對方信任的地方又是什麼?
使我聯想到 「consent」這概念 和 YouTube 這個:
When "Yes" Means "No", the Truth about Consent | Joyce Short | TEDxYouth@UrsulineAcademy
Joyce Short is the author of Carnal Abuse by Deceit, and Combating Romance Scams, Why Lying to Get Laid Is a Crime! Her personal experiences with sexual assault launched her on a path to raise awareness and seek legislative solutions. She advocates for victims of all types of sexual assaults, helping them seek justice and recover their dignity.
九 10. 本故事第五版 我的推测
珞珈 发表于 2022-05-22 22:35
回复 172楼珞珈的帖子
Gender self-identification (Gender identity) and gender expression are welcome and supported in 伊版。
【伊版管理处】基於Gender identity gender expression 会员性别、性倾向,会员自己說的算
Gender identity and gender expression
"Sex is the anatomical classification of people as male, female or intersex, usually assigned at birth.
Gender identity is each person’s internal and individual experience of gender. It is a person’s sense of being a woman, a man, both, neither, or anywhere along the gender spectrum. A person’s gender identity may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex.
Gender expression is how a person publicly expresses or presents their gender. This can include behaviour and outward appearance such as dress, hair, make-up, body language and voice. A person’s chosen name and pronoun are also common ways of expressing gender. Others perceive a person’s gender through these attributes.
A person’s gender identity is fundamentally different from and not related to their sexual orientation.
Trans or transgender is an umbrella term referring to people with diverse gender identities and expressions that differ from stereotypical gender norms. It includes but is not limited to people who identify as transgender, trans woman (male-to-female MTF), trans man (female-to-male FTM), transsexual, cross-dressers, or gender non-conforming, gender variant or gender queer.
Gender non-conforming individuals do not follow gender stereotypes based on the sex they were assigned at birth and may or may not identify as trans.
“Lived” gender identity is the gender a person feels internally (“gender identity” along the gender spectrum) and expresses publicly (“gender expression”) in their daily life including at work, while shopping or accessing other services, in their housing environment or in the broader community. See section 13.3.3 of this policy: Recognizing lived gender identity."
EightPlanet 发表于 2022-08-24 02:06
但願伊版 活躍會員們所建造的 「不同層面,境界 的共融 不互撕的交流文化 (百家齊放,百家爭鳴)」 能服務到不同的需要。
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