"Consent to sexual activity:
Consensual sex is when both parties are of legal age, agree to engage in intercourse by choice, and have the freedom and capacity to make that choice. This means agreeing to sexual relations without fear, coercion, force or intimidation. Giving consent is active, not passive. It means freely choosing to say ‘yes’ and also being free to change your mind at any time…. If someone is not able to give consent to sex, regardless of their age, it is a crime to have a sexual relationship with them."
~ Department of Health, Western Australia
[ [url]https://healthywa.wa.gov.au/Articles/A_E/Consent-to-sexual-activity#:~:text=Consensual%20sex%20is%20when%20both,consent%20is%20active%2C%20not%20passive.[/url] ]
我想分享第一件我自己亲眼目睹,亲耳听到的见证:在一次 [url]http://darkodyssey.com/[/url] BDSM大型活动中,我与我先生看到一对施虐被虐的夫妇 公开的以皮鞭鞭打的方式性爱。再过了几十分钟后,我与我先生在另外一个买卖束腰腰封服饰的摊位上再次有缘遇上了她(被虐鞭打的)一人在看商品。售货员和我们都看到她背后漏肩设计的服装显出肌肤上一条条血痕,我们这些外人看到就感觉痛。
售货员还关爱地问她:「Are you okay?」
我们听到她毫无顾虑地开心回答:「I feel wonderful!