请大家在此主题下贴文前再 review 將要貼上的內容:是否 建造 伊版 不负面论断人、不人生攻擊、不歧視人、 只以事論事,對事不對人 的 sex positive 和諧探讨交流分享文化 ?
若不知如何判断自己的内容, 欢迎参考本版活跃会员们在以下主题的探讨交流内容,先学习了解清楚再参与探讨交流也未迟,谢谢!
It is my pleasure to meet you and serve you. Thank you for your sharing.
Speaking from my over 15 years of forum experience: Don''''t let other''''s judgement words bother you. I am here to support you in a non-judgmental, respectful conversation.
~【伊甸情园】和【伊甸园2】版主 MeekSarah 敬上