自閉症類群障礙(autism spectrum disorder, ASD)
「自閉症類群障礙」是在2013年5月才有的一個新的診斷名稱。它取代了以前的廣泛性發展遲緩疾患(pervasive developmental delay),也就是常聽到的自閉症 (autism)、亞斯伯格症 (aspergers),現在都被稱為自閉症類群障礙 (autism spectrum disorder, ASD)。這樣的新名稱基本上把亞斯伯格症歸在自閉症同一名稱下,因為高功能自閉症和亞斯伯格症差別不大,很難區分,只不過是病症嚴重程度上的不同,但都屬於同一種障礙。~ 內容摘自此 網址:http://directory.chinesecounseling.org/en/couple-and-marriage/89-suffocated-marriage-adult-asd 「窒息的婚姻 - 談成人自閉症類群障礙 Suffocated marriage: Adult ASD」
“Can a person with Aspergers feel love?” ----- 第39樓 有一个link是很好的开始了解
比较具体实例case “Asperger''''s and Marriage: He''''s Always Looking for Debate” ----- 第40樓 有一个link
“5 Tips For Loving Someone With Aspergers Syndrome” ----- 第59樓 有一个link
"Are you yelling?" Asperger''''s, NLD, and Tone ----- 第72樓 有一个link
How Neurotypical-Aspie relationship works for us ------- 第75-79樓 實踐心得
本人是 边缘 aspergers, 已经够我前夫和几个娃受的了。前夫曾经多次说:如果他再也受不了我,会另找地方带着几个娃搬走。
五类 裏,我的征状居这两类最多:
Studious (aka Wedgie)
The prototypical Asperger. These people are usually smart, well-read, and mild-mannered.They’re the most noticeably intelligent of all types and they have the least awareness. They get taken advantage of easily. But they’re more adaptable than other types. Likely to work in tech. But they may also be found in teaching or helping professions. They have patience, discipline, and a drive towards mastery. Usually loyal to a fault. They were made fun of when they were younger, but now people like having them around.They make friends through either special interests or sheer wholesomeness. May have a good sense of humor. Common misdiagnoses include ADHD, OCD, and major depression.
Methodical (aka Patrick Bateman)
These aspies study the social world long and hard. They’re generally pretty touchy, having very specific ideas about what’s good and what isn’t. The most outwardly adept of the bunch, they can hold jobs and sustain friendships longer than other types. High IQs. High intensity. Repetitive behaviors. Wry conversationalists. Like to control their environment. Their sperg finally shows when you notice the studied aspect of their interactions. Plus their obsessive special interests, which they’re among the most likely to have. May be misdiagnosed with OCD or a personality disorder. I think these aspies are mostly men.