
”Carpenter highlighted the influence of South Korean K-pop fans on Twitter to emphasize her point. Twitter data shows that K-pop lovers posted 6.1 billion tweets in 2019. In 2020, fans of Korean boy bands such as BTS became infamous for co-opting anti-Black Lives Matter hashtags including #WhiteLivesMatter, #WhiteoutWednesday and #BlueLivesMatter by flooding them with memes and videos of their favorite K-pop groups.“

"co-opting" 是夺取,抢用,改用,代用的意思。 说K-POP粉丝co-opting反BLM的hashtag 是在说K-POP用小鲜肉的图形剥夺/改用反BLM的hashtag. 这是CNN这种左派新闻在点赞K-pop和亚裔的带来的文化印象。可惜看来很多人看不太懂英文却很会猜测和加本来没有其他的意思。