Bridgette 发表于 2024-08-10 22:39国民自卫队服役是part time, 时间上只需要一个月训一天,每年几个星期的社会服务。这跟全职军人服役还是很不一样的。不要上来就说什么二十四年。
不deploy的话,训练是每月一个周末,annual training是两周。但是national guard是会被deploy的,比如说state level的救灾或帮助社区,或者domestic law enforcement,或者federal level的被派到国外比如说中东跟现役军人一样执行任务。在deployment的时候,national guard都被视为现役军人的。我不信他24年里没有被deploy过。
deployment 时间长度的话:
The length of time for deployments will vary, depending on the situation. State active duty missions usually run from 15-60 days, while federal deployments are usually a minimum of 12 months. Guard Soldiers may also choose to volunteer for active duty assignments (for example, Border Patrol), and again, the length of deployment will vary.