团队相信,意外静脉注射COVID-19 mRNA 疫苗可能会导致心肌炎和心包炎,故建议,注射前需要先短暂抽吸注射器, 以排除有血液吸入,以确保在注射前针头不会意外地位于静脉中,希望这种注射方法的改变可以减少心肌炎或心包炎的机会。他亦建议,另一种降低风险的方法是将注射部位从肩部肌肉改为大腿肌肉的外侧,但认同此方法很不方便,因为接种者必须穿短裤、裙或宽长裤。

但是又查了下cdc说不用aspirate,会导致pain. 服了

Do I have to aspirate before giving COVID-19 vaccine? No. You should not aspirate before giving any vaccine, including COVID-19 vaccines. Aspiration can increase pain because of the combined effects of a longer needle-dwelling time in the tissues and shearing action (wiggling) of the needle.

vitd120 发表于 2021-08-22 13:39

cdc has lost my trust completely...