以下是引用ginachu在1/5/2010 7:32:00 PM的发言: 他没有人的他就是很疼我,不舍得离开我,怕我伤心他不是gay 他不是性冷谈,也不是托辞 You are still in denial. Gotta face the problem if you want to solve it. ____________________________________________________ U are in denial. If all he has done is right or makes sense and you still love him, then let him go! Otherwise go figure what went wrong with him. Some people always behave innocent and make other think they are just so vulnerable.. hehe, if he leaves you, at least he has no family and everything else. If he stays, at least he gets company, which is obviously better. So why does he want to give up all?? Doesn't make sense. I don't believe it is sex. Do you know he really well???

[此贴子已经被作者于2010/1/5 20:33:51编辑过]