仅这第一项,就值得注意:“石正丽曾表示,由于疫情大流行期间的黑客攻击,武汉病毒所WIV 删除了数据库。 事实上,该数据库已于 2019 年 9 月 12 日,即疫情大流行正式开始前三个月下线”
石正丽所说与事实对照,表明了什么? 两点: 1。表明在中国公布大流行之前至少三个月病毒就开始传播了。2。病毒源头来自于武汉病毒所。
Shi Zhengli had stated that the WIV took down the database due to hacking attempts during the pandemic. In fact, the database had been taken offline on September 12, 2019, three months before the official start of the pandemic.