Mazafaka2 发表于 2022-01-18 00:46
Sweden permits dual citizenship.
回复 42楼的帖子
这跟洗脑没什么关系。关键是你自己都说了放弃了美国籍代表日本比赛,当然可以啦。况且人家是日本出生:Born in Japan to a Haitian father and a Japanese mother, Osaka has lived and trained in the United States since age three. Although Osaka was raised in the United States, her parents decided that their daughters would represent Japan. They said, "We made the decision that Naomi would represent Japan at an early age. She was born in Osaka and was brought up in a household of Japanese and Haitian culture. Quite simply, Naomi and her sister Mari have always felt Japanese so that was our only rationale. It was never a financially motivated decision nor were we ever swayed either way by any national federation."
michelia.alba 发表于 2022-01-18 00:16
Ironically, China does not recognize dual citizenship.
回复 46楼游目骋怀的帖子一个日本出生美国长大的孩子都会说always feel Japanese,而在中国出生长大美国没呆几年的还颇受过些高等教育的中国人却迫不及待要cut Chinese tie,这就是我说的是被洗脑了。
claireliu 发表于 2022-01-18 01:22
我怎么觉得你说的不对?不觉得是要cut chinese tie, 这张脸就注定了是chinese啊。主要还是看不惯共产党的独裁。你好像混淆了执政党,中国人和华人。
claireliu 发表于 2022-01-18 01:35
她的另一半血缘可不是中国人哦?In interviews, she has said, "Nobody can deny I'm American, nobody can deny I'm Chinese” and "When I'm in the U.S., I'm American, but when I'm in China, I'm Chinese."