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我的經歷分享:Burning Man 的 沙漠
第一次 Burning Man 後,我先生寫了一小段 journal:
Title: Beauty
What is it about being in a good relationship that makes a person more attractive than before. My Sarah has always been beautiful in my eyes. During our time at Burning Man many people came up to my Sarah and complimented her on her beauty and bright energy. She is a glowing beacon in the desert that draws people in and shines into their hearts. Her light has trapped me in her heart forever
~ Sir
MeekSarah 发表于 2021-01-22 11:49
标题: 美人
在我们参加 "燃烧的人 "的时候,很多人走到我的莎拉身边,夸赞她的美丽和明亮的能量。
~ 先生