枕戈待旦 发表于 2021-12-29 18:54
这里提到一个男女同步高潮的问题,我觉得可以 open mind 讨论一下。
首先是女生高潮 female orgasm。按照最新的研究,很遗憾,女生已经进化到不一定会有高潮 orgasm:
具体详见 twitter,结论引用如下,全文点击链 https://twitter.com/NicoleBarbaro/status/1182410227104092160 :
Nicole Barbaro
Oct 10, 2019
+ Collectively, these results suggest that the human female orgasm may in fact be a byproduct of a time when female orgasm was needed to induce ovulation. Spontaneous ovulation developed in humans, rendering the orgasm’s original ovulation function useless. /2nd end