我想起那天才在Reddit看了一个贴,一个中年男用户说他体验了prostate orgasm之后:
Now don't get me wrong, our sex life is amazing, but when I compare the two, the prostate orgasm is a full on 1812 overture, cannons firing, fireworks going off and the fucking blue angels fly overhead. "Regular" orgasms are...a dollar store popper.
他用玩具自己第一次体验了prostate高潮,然后去和老婆商量想incorporate into bedroom, 可是他老婆不喜欢anal, 就拒绝了。然后他很失望:
I am completely at a loss. Like I said, this is like comparing a full fledged symphony to a 3yr old squeaking out "hot cross buns" on a recorder.
Ladies, imagine getting by with a minor "pop" then being introduced to a magic wand or one of those clit suckers and then your partner tells you "never again, I find them revolting"!!
otokorashii_onna 发表于 2021-07-13 20:46
你在reddit逛哪几个版啊,说的我好想去看看 哈哈哈。。