1. Mackenzie House: William Lyon Mackenzie, the first mayor of Toronto
2. St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica: beautiful mass and the top choir
3. Cathedral Church of St. James: stained glass windows
4. St. lawrence Market
5. The Gooderham building: flatiron building
6. La Papollon; French oinio soup
and many many other places
梅花山 发表于 8/10/2019 4:32:48 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2441804&postid=81099095#81099095][img][/img][/url]
1. Mackenzie House: William Lyon Mackenzie, the first mayor of Toronto, 房子不大,记得夏季门前有颗蔷薇怒放爬满入口。
2. St. Michael's Cathedral Basilica: beautiful mass and the top choir,天主教堂,很宏伟,历史很悠久,多伦多最值得去的教堂之一。
3. Cathedral Church of St. James: stained glass windows, 圣公会教堂,伊丽莎白二世到访过,个人觉得建筑历史等稍逊圣马可。
4. St. lawrence Market,非常值得去,不明白为什么大家似乎都觉得到了多伦多只能吃中餐,也只有中餐可吃,真有些冤枉多伦多了。