I see. as I am a fresh graduate and this offer is really good, if I negotiate, it seems I am a little greedy. If not, I am afraid if they think I am not enough challenging. hehe, I can have another higher salary offer, but I don't care the base salary very much, so I really like this offer and want to accept it. Is that common to accept an offer without negotiating? Thanks a lot!
但是今天我看了你的进一步说明,觉得你应该争取negotiate.原因是你有可能拿到更高的工资,为什么不要?base salary 其实是一个很重要的指标,公司的401K match, 来年涨工资的绝对数,奖金的绝对数,都是和 base salary 挂钩的.起点低了,以后步步低.就象版上有的jm跟你说的,it doesn't hurt to ask。 除非你觉得以后你进了公司会抹不开面子.这就是你是不是feel confortable to ask 的问题.
最后再啰嗦一下,如果我是楼主,如果哈(仅供参考的意思), 现在要想办法把可能给更多工资的那一家搞定,然后拿拿那一家的工资去negotiate 你真正想去的那一家.至少在俺们公司,没有人会质疑你这么做是不是ethical, 所有人都认为是理所当然和smart的做法。offer 和 accept offer 的过程本来就是一场游戏。 这两天好像话太多了。
thanks a lot, mm!! you really helped a lot. My friends said this offer is good enough, even if I negotiate, probably I only can get more $1K, which is not so useful. i will consider a while and make a decision soon.
如果最多只能涨1K,确实没有太大的negotiate的必要 (虽然俺的美国朋友会说1K is 1K!)。
1.It's always good to fully explore your opportunities, and know what the options are before making a decision. 这是我为什么鼓励你搞定另一家公司的原因之一. 另外,normally, the new employees who had multiple offers before joining the company are appreciated more than those who had no option. 这个意思是即便你不准备negotiate, it will be good for your employer to know that you had other options. 当然这个要做的有技巧。
2.第二点主要是看了明明mm的comment想到的.根据我的经历,negotiate 与否和第2年涨工资的幅度没有关系.特别是大公司,HR有明确的涨幅指导.服务时间低于一定限度(比如6个月)的新员工,第二年的涨幅可能就是公司的平均数。从第2年往后,工资涨幅是和performance level挂钩的。还有就是对工作的热爱和多要马尼不矛盾。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-4-10 1:23:19编辑过]
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