Seems more people are interested in this topic. alrighty I'll continue on this one.
One good point I got from a management book is this: good interviewing skill does not make a good candidate out of a bad one. The salt of this is that sometimes recruiting is even more important than interviewing. There are several factors that affect candidate quality: the hiring company's reputation(which is a given); the amount of energy being put into networking; the expressiveness of a job posting.
at this point I'll give out sth from my experience: if you are looking for a job where you can get respect, challenge and development and you believe you are worth it, never go for those with very specific skill set. For example, dozens of requirements like "must have 5 or more years of experience with language A; 3 or more years of experience with tool B; must worked with C, D, E, F". On the other hand, good job posting wouldn't just have generic, cliché requirements like "team player; positive attitude". It would convey what the hiring person really wants, reads like talking with people face to face. Just like the Chinese expression, smart message sent from a smart hiring person would attract smart candidates.
this is a new perspective!!
这一次position很flexible, 具体rate不定,主要是为了hire talent. 重点是考察problem solving; learning ability; communication skill. 当然before all of these, 要有integrity. 一些基本的专业知识也要有。
作为interviewer, 基本要做到的就是要be nice and make the interviewee comfortable,and let him dominate most part of the interview; try to find out his talent if he has any; and (if I am interested in that person) present the position as well as possible. (记得有个mm写她的interview, 说从头到尾不用说什么话,就听interviewer说了。那样的对hiring company来说可不是什么好事。) 这个我比较容易做到, since I think I am a born good listener, and a nice person. (不好意思表扬自己了). 还有就是在整个过程要注意避免profiling. 比如老美容易流于空谈,亚洲人技术好,communication不行之类的。这个其实比较难,很多很senior的interviewer都不能避免(当然有私心的人另说了)。
good good
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