我觉得,要论自私,排个序依次是:不打疫苗非必要出行还不戴口罩到处乱窜的人-》不打疫苗不戴口罩的人-》打了疫苗不戴口罩的人-》不打疫苗非必要不出行出行必戴口罩的人-》打了疫苗出行也戴口罩的人。 还有,人都是自私的,不自私的话,这流行病早控制住了。
miaoerl 发表于 2021-05-15 01:31
cute, made me laugh. I am this one: 不打疫苗非必要不出行出行必戴口罩的人
I work from home and stay at home, very careful if I have to go outside. I would rather stand but not sit in public place. I did not go hotels for more than 1 years now. I go to restaurants very occasionally. I bring cloth to put on chairs and sit on cloth when I have to go to see doctors etc. I postponed dental appointment for almost 1 year now. :)