回复 4楼ddydx的帖子
我ex就是时不长emotionally unavailable但是我每次提出来他又怕我离开他,他后来跟我说是他原生家庭造成的,他是想改但是不知道怎么改。我不觉得一定是你needy,有的人就是会这样你也没办法。
回复 4楼ddydx的帖子
我ex就是时不长emotionally unavailable但是我每次提出来他又怕我离开他,他后来跟我说是他原生家庭造成的,他是想改但是不知道怎么改。我不觉得一定是你needy,有的人就是会这样你也没办法。
Be honest with yourself about your own availability, too:
1. Are you angry at the opposite sex? Do you like making or hearing jokes at their expense? If so, you may need to heal from past wounds before you’re comfortable getting close to someone.
2. Do you make excuses to avoid getting together?
3. Do you think you’re so independent you don’t need anyone?
4. Do you fear falling in love, because you may get hurt?
5. Are you always waiting for the other shoe to drop? Although people complain about their problems, many have even more difficulty accepting the good.
6. Are you distrustful? Maybe you’ve been betrayed or lied to in the past and now look for it in everyone.
7. Do you avoid intimacy by filling quiet times with distractions?
8. Are you uncomfortable talking about yourself and your feelings? Do you have secrets you’re ashamed of that make you feel undesirable or unlovable?
9. Do you usually like to keep your options open in case someone better comes along?
10. Do you fear a relationship may place too many expectations on you, that you’d give up your independence or lose your autonomy?
回复 22楼ddydx的帖子
回复 24楼ptmm的帖子
emotionally unavailable这个你可以在英文网站找到专业的definition。跟exclusive说的完全不是一码事。emotionally unavailable是说两个人在dating的时候已经在一个正常的男女朋友关系里了,或者pretty close to that point,一方突然的对另一方忽冷忽热。忽冷的时候就是完全毫无理由的冷下来,然后过一阵子又恢复正常了。
其实工作14个小时那位,我们后来见面很频繁的时候他有时候就跟我sleep together了,而且很多次都是non sexual的那种sleep together。最开始确实两个人在一起两三个小时就分开了。但是真的互相想对方的时候其实在一起两三个小时还挺开心的。所以时间上我觉得双方都可以compromise。
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