queen of divorce
舊劇 超棒的解决者 李智雅、吴珉锡、姜其永
英文網上, 從不認識男主,姜其永
這部是不太成功 英文網 覺得前夫哥吴珉锡男二,很壞又可愛,很有演技實力,吴珉锡他有相當的化學感跟女主,雖然女主討厭他,就是演技很不錯
一個男二演員的演技非常好。 比男一亮眼。而且不是帥哥但演的好。變成帥哥。
前夫演员 他演一个漫画角色太出色、太细腻了。 吴敏硕饰演卢律成。。女主 的前夫。撑起了整部剧。他的演技是迄今为止最好的。对于一个表面上看起来不那么有趣的角色来说,这真是太棒了。但他绝对是演技最好的。这也有助于发现他非常帅气。说实话,现在就看他的。他和 女主有化学反应! 。他扮演角色的方式让你觉得他身上还有更多不为人知的东西。 他肯定人很垃圾,但很性感,但仍然对 女主 有感觉。 事实上,他不是普通的反派。
Ex husband actor He''s too good and nuanced an actor for a caricature role. Oh Min Suk as No Yool Sung. . Ex husband of Fl is unironically carrying the show for me. His acting is the best by far. Which is amazing for a character that on paper doesn''t seem that interesting. But he''s definitely the best. It also helps that find him incredibly handsome. Not going to lie, watching this for him now. He has chemistry with Fl ! .The way he plays the character makes you feel that there is more to him than meets the eye. surely he is trash and hot and still Has feelings for Fl. Indeed, he isn''t the normal villain .