以下是引用lesley在7/25/2003 9:17:42 AM的发言:no, purchase apr is not 0%. that's the trick of chase. i met it too. ft
奇怪啊,我怎么没遇到过这个问题?难道你的purchase APR不也是0%?
以下是引用lesley在7/25/2003 9:17:42 AM的发言:no, purchase apr is not 0%. that's the trick of chase. i met it too. ft
奇怪啊,我怎么没遇到过这个问题?难道你的purchase APR不也是0%?
以下是引用WhatAgain在7/31/2003 2:09:32 PM的发言:no some cc give 0APR for both purchase and BT. The letter come with Chase card, is too 晦涩 made me think it is 0APR for pruchase also and I remember the invitaion letter said 0APR for purchase, that's why I applied.
That's not a trick, it's just you don't know it. I would think everybody knows to payoff first before balance transfer
[此贴子已经被作者于7/31/2003 2:57:23 PM编辑过]
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