Some lessons I learned: (can not type Chinese here, sorry)
(1) When you first interview for a job, don't rush to answer your salary expectation if you can avoid, unless you know well enough about the job market. This can leave you space for negotiation.
(2) when you start a new job, try to remember as many names and faces as you can. Some colleagues would welcome you. If you seem to know him or her a bit at the beginning, it is easier to extend friendly relationship later. I am very bad with foreigner's names (especially the really long ones with strong accent). When I first came to my current job, a colleague came to greet me, but I did not know anything about him and he has a very long name. Obviously I did not remember his name. I had to ask his name several times. I seemed to have an awkward start with him and still not get along well.
(3) Also remeber the new faces you have met. Asking someone you already met "have we met yet" is embarassing.
(4) If you happen to start a tenure-track AP, learn to avoid having any enymy from you work day 1.Making everyone like you is not as important as making no enymy.
(5) don't gossip (this one is not lesson, I hate gossip).
will add if I remeber more.
奖励已发 :D
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