还没做完,不好评价。他们一共三个人,他和一个越南人,一个墨西哥人。感觉干活挺熟练,也利索。主要力气活都是墨西哥人干,技术活日本人干。 干了三天活好像又接了其他活,周六周日周一没来。到今天是第五天,因为我们临时改了下design,活多了一点,还没做完,预计下周才能做完了。
moonriver08 发表于 4/27/2017 12:50:21 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2156911&postid=74699064#74699064][/url]l楼主,可以给一下韩国师傅和日本师傅联系方式吗? 他们有保险吗?会不会签contract啊? 最近自己做了很多research然后要求了base 的standard 方式。感觉,很多contractors 口头什么都ok,一到来写合同就开始bail.想问现在那个日本师傅,是怎么做你的base的下面是我自己写的contract,然后我具体要求他们怎么做。a. Demolition, extraction, and installation ofpaver base in following specifications.
i. Soil extraction should be minimum of 8-10 inchesdepth, the base should include minimum of four inches of ¾’’ crushed stonegravels, one inch of bedding sand(pre-washed), followed by paver stones on thetop.
ii. The base should be properly compacted withheavy-duty compactor and utilize a slope of one inch drop per four feet of pavers.
iii. Proper paver edge restraint with spikes shouldbe used to secure the base and pavers from shifting.