为什么我觉得爱泼斯坦这事没什么。全世界很多地方有teenager sex , 有些是这些女生自愿的,大概也免费。而爱泼斯坦起码给了这些女生一些钱。
【伊版管理處 內容】
關要字眼是 「合法的同意年齡」“Age of Consent”
"Age of consent is a legal term for the age a person must reach to give consent to sex. If an adult engages in any type of sexual activity with someone below the age of consent in that state, they’re committing a crime even if the minor said they agreed to have sex.
In the U.S., laws to define consent and the age of consent are different in every state. The national average age is 16. In Arkansas, the age of consent is 15, while in Oregon, the age of consent is 18."
以上內容摘自: https://www.webmd.com/sex/age-of-consent