我靠我被这个list炸出来了 这人神经病啊
我们讨论过签prenup,我没意见。但是考虑到他想对房子做改造,如果我对房子完全没有份,我不想投入精力和金钱,他一个人承担又太多,所以他后来同意直接经济合体,我存款比他多一点。 他自己给自己列过一个list,分析have a relationship和be  single的优劣,我感觉不到他真心爱我,就是一直在犹豫,算计: have a relationship good> 1. live in china (他是心心念念要去中国,之前去中国得到的attention太涨他自信了) 2. share the cost 3. save for a big house 4. get help for the study (中文) 5. never be alone, feel safe, good sex 6. never feel afraid 7. do project together, good finance (我们同行) 8. start a company together 9. social interactions (他比我内向,朋友不多) 10. good routine (他玩游戏比较多,吃的不健康,这方面我有督促他) 11. can have kids early (其实他是不怕要孩子的) bad> 1. one girl for a whole life 2. kids limit mobility 3. "waste" money (他总是抱怨我们花钱太多,可是是他经常要出去吃饭的) 4. difficult to plan anything (他觉得两个人比一个人麻烦) 5. have to compromise on his dreams 6. feeling of trapped 7. 40 year crisis 8. fights and arguments Be single good> 1. can share a room (with a girl) 2. can do couchsurfing (他在上面约过好多中国还有日本的女生) 3. study in chengdu (他总是想再去中国,之前的经历是ego booster) 4. meet new people/girls(这一条让我最伤心) 5.  focus on training or study 6. travel on GAP/YOLO 7. work in other countries 8. travel around the world 9. improve self-esteem bad> 1. easy to feel afraid&scared 2. bad self-esteem 3. lonely looser 4. difficult to buy a house 5. bad conscience (我宁可不要他因为良心难过而不离开我) moonlesssky 发表于 6/1/2017 6:19:00 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=74955242&postid=74955242#74955242][/url]