我是去年9月末递交的n400 申请,不知什么原因,迟迟没有通知我打指模,1月底的时候,我约了infopass ,去移民局说明了这个情况,随后收到指模信,安排我2月17号去打指模,我提前在2月6号walk in 打了指模。之后网上的状态一直是 case was received. 我也没理会。结果今天发现网上状态变了,说是安排我最近去打指模。那是不是说明我2月6号打的指模无效啊?还是说我没必要理会它?
Fingerprint Appointment Was Scheduled On March 20, 2017, we scheduled you for a fingerprint appointment and mailed you an appointment notice for Receipt Number NBC*xxxxxxxxxx. Please follow the instructions in the notice. If you do not receive your appointment notice by April 19, 2017, please go to