在puritan's pride 上面买了一点玫瑰精油,但是收到以后我也不知道是不是大家说得精油了,因为价钱很便宜,请大家帮我看看。
瓶子上写的是rose blended essential oil, 牌子好像是Holland& Barret. Ingredients: Sweet Almond, Rose and Vitamin E. To use: Enjoy the benefits of perfectly pure essential oil for massage or in your bath. This oil is ready blended in a natural carrier oil.
这个natural carrier oil是什么东东?在哪里有卖的?这个只能用于按摩和泡澡了吧?
瓶子上写的是rose blended essential oil, 牌子好像是Holland& Barret. Ingredients: Sweet Almond, Rose and Vitamin E. To use: Enjoy the benefits of perfectly pure essential oil for massage or in your bath. This oil is ready blended in a natural carrier oil.
这个natural carrier oil是什么东东?在哪里有卖的?这个只能用于按摩和泡澡了吧?