The guy is Aviv (Vivi) Nevo...
If your average Master of the Universe pays a publicist to craft his image, what does it say about Vivi Nevo that he enlisted one of the world’s biggest PR firms to keep from having one? Despite being a player on the scene, Nevo has kept himself and his work shrouded, and has hence been alternately described in the news as “reticent,” an “international man of mystery,” a “mysterious financier,” and “not Italian.” (For the record, he’s Israeli.) And while Nevo’s doings—apart from Kate Moss, whom “Page Six” spotted him with—remain well-guarded secrets, his importance is increasingly difficult to hide. The venture capitalist has been attending the moguls-only Allen & Co. Sun Valley Conference for more than a decade, and he is one of the biggest individual stockholders of the biggest media conglomerate in the world, Time Warner. When Harvey Weinstein was looking to break free of the Disney yoke, he turned to Nevo, who became one of the Weinstein Company’s earliest backers. Inevitably, questions about Nevo turn to his money. We do know this: His L.A.-based company specializes in strategic investing in the global technology, telecom, media, and entertainment sectors, and his wealth is reported to be inherited, which adds a wink to his firm’s name, NV Investments. Say it aloud.