我也说不清楚。这么说吧,先是和别人老公搅在一起。 把这事放到mitbbs上来说,就是要毁了cy一家现在的生活,或者准确一点地说是,为了达到目的
,殃及cy一家现在的生活。cy lp does not deserve it. 不管镇么说对lp 就像先捅几刀, 还一口一个小姐姐的叫,正常吗。
Come on, what happened between Cui and this girl is statutory rape... He had sex with this girl before she even turned 18... Did this girl hold up a gun to force Cui to have sex with her? I don't understand why so many females are so hateful towards this girl. Yes, she did do something wrong when she was 17, but Cui, an adult who was completely competent to make his decision had sex with this girl before she was even an adult... Also, what's wrong for this girl to fight for child support? If Cui had been paying child support and this girl is still doing this on the BBS, then maybe she really wanted more than just child support. Nonetheless, Cui is lucky that the girl didn't sue him when this first happened (she probably had no idea there's law like this), now he's probably trying to drag this as long as possible so that it would pass the 3 yr statue of limitation.