求问大家Green Pass 哪里申请的?疫苗卡就可以了嘛?
谢谢我也觉得是的:Fill in the Passenger Locator Form before entering Italy. If you do not have suitable technological tools, you can download the printed version of the Passenger Locator Form.
Present COVID-19 green pass or certificate on arrival issued by the health authority of their country certifying complete vaccination against COVID-19, performed at least 14 days beforehand, using a vaccine recognized by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). Travellers from Canada, Japan and the United States of America may alternatively present a COVID-19 green pass of successful recovery or certification of successful recovery issued by competent health authorities.
Present a document certifying that they have performed a molecular or antigenic swab test in the 72 hours prior to arrival in Italy with negative results. The term is reduced to 48 hours for travellers from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
Green Passes must be in Italian, English, French or Spanish and can be presented in digital or printed formats.
回复 10楼的帖子
谢谢回复,已经回来了,很好玩。意大利管得还是严的,买杯咖啡都要查疫苗卡。不过大家都神情轻松。进万神庙要看photo ID,幸亏我手机里有护照照片,也接受了。到处人多的的地方有军人巡逻,在一边三两个荷枪实弹扎堆聊天,神情倒是很轻松,也不扰民。据说现在是非常安全的时候
回复 12楼的帖子
查ID驾照可以的,我给他们看护照照片也通融了,不过保险起见还是带驾照好。信用卡我带了visa 都收的,现金我只带了三百美金的,八天还没花完。我是事先网上预定好票的,但是也有人当天在现场拿手机网上买票进去的。还是提前网上订好放心。
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