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(干货都没了)从online dating说到bloody gorgeous Harvey!

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16-04-09 14:20操作
Dear cute-wheat,

First of all, I’d like to thank you very much for creating this thread; you have provided us so much information, tips, interesting stories, encouragement, etc. etc. I can’t thank you enough and I really appreciate for all the things you and other girls shared here in the post.

The saddest thing is that, I think I actually read part of this post when you started it back in 2012, at that time, I started to have problems with my marriage (well, to be honest, I have had issues way back when I was dating my ex-husband, I believe I have made almost every mistake a dumb girl possible could with dating n marriage throughout the years). Now looking back, it’s so freaking pathetic. Anyways, at that time, after I read your post, I was thinking, waaa, what an amazing post, so many things you girls talked about made so much sense, you girls seemed so cool and I’d like to be one of you girls. Then after I shut off the huaren app, I went back to crying (sadly asking “god” why my marriage couldn’t go back to how it was) and calling my friends asking for help while not really doing what they suggested. I guess one of the very few things I learned here was that I did buy and read some of the books you recommended (tao of dating, why men love/marry bXitches, the five love languages etc, and I loved every one of them. I have bought a few other books and they were just alright, some I didn’t even finish).

I finally divorced my ex late last year, found a new job (though with much lower pay), moved to a new city, my parents bought a new house for me and they moved to US and live with me now. For the whole winter, I thought I was over with my ex, then I realized that I didn’t (another dumb thing).

I created an account on coffee meets bagel (before I started to re-read this post), at least I was “smart” enough to know (guess that’s another thing I had vague memory about after having read this post in 2012) that I shouldn’t start a conversation and should wait until a guy to come and talk to me. A few guys made contact, and I didn’t even bother to reply (that’s when I realized that I wasn’t over my ex yet and that I should start to get my shXt together and move on). Then a few weeks ago, a guy from HK contacted me and asked me out, I liked the way he looks so we made arrangements and had our first and only meetup in a movie theater. I thought it went well, but obviously not that well since he never asked me out again, which I don’t really mind. And that’s when I thought of this post and wanted to re-read everything discussed here. So I spent the past 2 weeks, slowly reading and taking in all the information here, and I’m so grateful that I did it.

One of the things that touches me most is what you said about being confident/happy from within. I can remember that back in 2012 when I read this post for the first time (as I said, I don’t think I have read the whole thread and lots of follow-up discussions), I took it as “as long as I believe in myself, I think and stay positive, then the good things (guys) will come”. Well, it’s kinda of true, to some extent. But I didn’t realize that you need to make effort, to try your best, to really improve yourself, and then, you will gain confidence from positive feedbacks/outcomes after you better yourself. You can’t just stay in bed, read posts on the forum, not get your ass up to take pictures, to work on your profiles, to read more and expand your interest, and “wait” for the right guy to fall in love with you. And in one of your more recent updates, you mentioned that before you would say sth like “you deserve someone better”, now you think that “you deserve exactly what you get”. I couldn’t agree more. For example, I read the same post in 2012, I had problems with my ex, I knew that I should have left him way back when (with what I have learned from you and my own miserable experience, I should have dumped him even when we were dating), I let him take me for granted and walked all over me like a doormat. BUT, I couldn’t have divorced him. Not necessary mentally (at that time), it’s more because I wasn’t “ready” (ok, I know it sounds like an excuse). I couldn’t drive (always had to ask him to take me to places, he taught me and led me into the career I had from 2010-2015, which later in my opinion that I became better at our job than him), I couldn’t find a job (at least not easily, its complicated, don’t wanna get into details), basically, I couldn’t really stay alive (I exaggerated here, but you know what I’m saying) and make a living in the U.S. and I didn’t want go back to China (I have always enjoyed life abroad, and I don’t like the working/living environment in China, just personal preference). But in 2015, I got really good at driving (I love driving on highway), I learned how to take care of things (just small things like how to rent an apartment, how to buy a car, how to ask for help, or even how to do well in an interview and land a decent job). So at least, physically, I was “ready”. Sadly, I have been brainwashed by him for so many years (eg, why not just live in the moment, don’t need to plan for the future, why can’t you just be happy with what we have, I have been a much better husband than my grandpa and my dad, etc etc.). Didn’t you say sth like if you stay too long with losers, you lose the ability to distinguish the losers (not verbatim). That’s how I was in early 2015. Thankfully, my mom decided to come to U.S. and pushed hard to encourage me to leave him (my mom has always been a great life mentor though I have been dumb/stubborn enough not to listen to her advice). I took my mom and my belongs and left him to another city, and filed divorced there. I later found a new job, gained more confidence but still trapped in the past, until the wakening call. I’m really grateful to the HK boy, he was a real gentleman, polite, easy to talk to, etc, he made me feel good about myself. That’s why I couldn’t agree more that the easiest way to get over with your ex is to go out and date new guys.

Obviously, I have learned a whole lot more than what I have written here, but I just wanna share this with you (and many other girls like me who were/are troubled by failed relationships). I don’t wanna act like a drama queen and say that “oh dear cute-wheat, you saved me, you turned my life around”, I simply wanna thank you from deep of my heart and want you to know that you and all those wonderful gals who shared your wisdom in this post have helped me in a tremendous way, I want you to know that you didn’t waste your time typing every word on this public forum. I know it’s still too early to say that you will lead me to success in the dating department, I’m sure that I will still make mistakes, maybe even dumb ones, but I will always come back and re-read the things discussed here and learn from my or others’ mistakes and go from there. (You can’t go back and change how the story started, but you can always start now and change how it ends.) I have bought a few more books you recommended in these past two weeks, and will start to read them since I finally finished reading this post last night.

Last but not least, is it too late to ask for the promo code for the shampoo that you recommended? I have always had hair loss issue. Thank you.

PS, I think it’s gonna be your birthday soon, right? I remember you said you are Aries. Happy 30th birthday to you and hope you will have a great wedding this year. (I’m a 1985 Sagittarius, thank god I don’t feel pressured to have to get married or have baby before XX years old.)

PPS, I will start a new post a bit later once I start to use match.com and share my thoughts/experience on this forum. Adivice and critiques are very much welcomed and appreaciated!

Thank you.
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16-04-09 20:59操作
不过马甲姑娘,我想跟你说的是,见字如见人。你的写作风格在很多时候能反映出你是一个什么样的人。我想在现实中,你大概不容易做到抓大放小。很容易将自己迷失在细节里。而往往这些不重要的细节会蒙蔽你的双眼,让你看不清事件的核心所在。不知道我说的对不对。而且你应该有点絮叨的,说难听点是control freak。而且你人应该也比较执拗。

至于你写的东西,我想说,你跟朋友交流也就罢了,你在工作中甚至约会的邮件的往来里,一定要注意简洁。能一句话说完的不要用2,3句或是更多。be concise. 我建议你没事可以有意识的训练下自己。我不喜欢有些鲜花大妈的言论。哎呀干吗那么在意语法用词啊。你写的差不多了,老外能看不懂不就行了么。p! 任何时候都不要降低自己学习的欲望和本领,除非你想做个家里蹲的和社会脱节的大妈。有意识的加强自己的business writing skill, 你会发现受益的不仅仅是在工作里。至于怎么加强。大量的读书。书读多了你自然会发现,你的写作用词在提高,这些都是无意识中提高的。多pay attention to native speaker在书信中的用词,看到好的,记下,模仿着用,用几次就彻底变为你自己的了。至于语法时态,虚拟语气,这个就是死看书了把?我是国内应试教育过来的,从小英语就好,这个对我而言不是问题。现在看到有人写东西,前后时态混乱,中式思维,虚拟语气不会用,我的ocd也发作了。。

cute-wheat 发表于 4/9/2016 3:24:03 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71354673#71354673][/url]
q麦,你实在太神了。 可不可以具体请教下你是怎么看到我过于关注细节容易迷失其中啊?这个是去年我妈妈搬来美国跟我住在一起之后才发现并且告诉我的。我能够理解一部分,但是我实在太好奇你是怎么一下子就看出来了啊? 你谈到的表达能力差这是我一直以来的问题。我其实今天开始是用中文写得,写了一两段实在下不下去了,觉得非常难以表达然后删了全部改成英文写,起码能够表述出我想说的意思。这个也会是我接下来努力改进的一个方面,还有怎样进行small talk。当然这些也都是跟平时的阅读量知识面直接挂钩的。 另外谢谢楼上mm的分享,我读了,有所收获。 ps Q麦我好像把你生日算错了, sorry
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16-04-09 21:15操作
刚刚去下单买洗发水鸟,我google了一个promo code scalpcare n received 20% off.给大家分享下,不知道什么时候过期。
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16-04-09 21:25操作
回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71356809#71356809]5879楼cute-wheat的帖子[/url] nod nod 谢谢mm鼓励
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16-10-19 18:14操作
Q麦可以帮我抽个牌么? 跟现任在一起挺好的,也有讨论今后在一起,结婚什么的(但是都同意不是现在,还太早)。 如果能够算出来跟他真能成,那最好不过啦。。。 拜托拜托,谢谢啦!
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16-10-20 22:37操作
Q麦,我的反馈如下,今晚他带我和父母一起去我们很喜欢的一个餐馆,然后刚刚才走。。。想知道你后来翻的牌。。。。 我原来从来没有接触过塔罗牌,不知道是那种需要什么生辰八字还是什么什么信息才能算的。看起来好像是直接抽牌,也不需要本人在场或者什么的,感觉好神奇啊。 金钱矛盾:在上周日谈清楚之前,一直是我自己心里很烦恼的一个问题。他收入比我预想的高,但是非常注重理财,再加上还房贷车贷什么的,导致手上的流动资产比较少(特别是上这两个月又有房贷又有房租)。不过我也不觉得他是那种特别节约让人无法忍受的人,但也不是那种大手大脚花钱特别爽快的人。不过现在谈清楚了,而且已经可以看到有所改变(这一点真的做的很好)。不过现在时日还短,还要继续观察。 距离:我们两家相隔2/30分钟车程,如果从我家去上班只要半小时,从他家离开去上班要一小时或者更糟。我们之前都是基本上我去他家附近吃饭玩然后也有一两周(特殊原因)直接住他家。前一次比较认真的谈话后,现在都是周中他过来我家吃饭玩(puzzle或者一起出去逛下什么的)。 感情交流/进度:这个不太明白是什么意思啊?我们韩国回来之后,他某天离开我家前说u know i love u right?自此我们都是开始用love了(之前会说i like u a lot)。然后因为我们exclusive特别快,但是我有段时间不确定我们是否算男女朋友,可是也可以算我刚刚开始concern我们到底什么关系他就确定的说我们其实早就可以算男女朋友了。 我们没有具体或者严重的财务纠纷啊(就是之前有几次他会突然结账的时候问do u wanna pay,让我非常的惊讶,不过我脸皮薄,总是就付了,但是心里肯定是不爽的,因为觉得他赚的比我多多了,而且我的钱是我们一家三口用,他就一个人再加上我们一起吃饭的钱)。这也就是我们周末讨论的问题。 我觉得总体来说,从我们认识到现在我都对我们的进度还是比较满意,没有发展太快让人觉得是荷尔蒙作祟,但是也没有特别慢。而且我之前其实是很想你帮我"算"(知道你不是算卦啦)if he is the one,其实更多的是一种哇,如果抽牌也说he is my perfect match那就是一种reinforcement吧。说实话,如果他现在求婚我会答应,但是觉得有点早。起码圣诞或者明年吧。不过如果明年一周年纪念日还没反映,那估计就会觉得慢了。
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16-10-20 23:00操作
2张星币牌,说明你俩之间物质强调的挺多,只可惜都是逆位,说明物质啊金钱什么的带给你们关系有不好的一面。有不满,不平衡,你或对方有疑惑所有的付出努力是不是值得。 我是看到这个提到的经济纠纷。其实主要是因为跟ex离婚就是因为经济问题,所以我会非常介意这一方面。不是说我们欠对方钱或者什么的经济纠纷。不过现在我俩正在work this out,他也清楚了我的期待值。而且我们这么大都有自己的history都受过伤,现在正在学习信任对方,更加敢付出,去照顾对方。起码趋势是好的。。。
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16-10-20 23:02操作
关于你男人你不知道的事 还是他是如何看待这段关系的 不知道为什么,我有种不好的预感。。。小麦mm现在能告诉我了么?
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16-10-20 23:14操作
你俩明明经济上有谈不拢的地方。还有需要磨合的地方。你脸皮薄 你男人脸皮也薄 我昨天抽的牌,比较可以肯定的说,你男人希望你在你俩关系中你还能再多添一分子,钱上。 你这个如果放在周日我们回家路上讨论之前的预测,我就要说实在是神准了。真的是超级超级贴切(除了他脸皮薄,他基本上是不满意会直接说)。不过我们已经就钱的问题讨论得蛮清楚了,希望今后不再会是问题。 下面这段是我在看到你最后一条回复之前写的,又是超级准啊,你说我在审视是否值得。而且你说的拮据,也是我之前提到他这两个月(literally这两个月)会拮据,年底或者明年发bonus他手头就宽多了。 我也觉得还没到时候,只是心里偶尔会想如果命里不是他,不如早点分开(但是其实也理解不管成功或者失败的感情都是一种成长和收获)。我们也很少讨论什么严肃的话题,第一次是确定我们都想build our relationship,然后就是这次讨论钱的问题。 谢谢小麦啦。
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16-10-21 12:37操作
小麦,谢谢你写给我的话。 关于过程: 人到30真的觉得很多事想开了许多。最近老妈会有点类似旁敲侧击问我们么时候结婚么时候生小孩的问话,很难不被她的言语影响到开始觉得有点焦躁。其实我非常享受现在跟他在一起的感觉,我们认识这三个多月以来,从一开始对他profile不怎么感兴趣,到慢慢互相了解互相吸引真的是一个很美妙的过程。而且就算他不是the one又怎样,起码我们现在是开心的。而且我并非一定要小孩,这样也没有短时间结婚的压力。我会更坚定自己的路,不要让他人的言语影响到我的心情/思路。 而且你说的关于塔罗牌能够帮助指导我们如何去做一件事,而不是像算命一样直接测算结果,其实挺好的。比如你现在告诉我了,我就更加知道能够怎样跟他相处,了解他的顾虑想法(其实他蛮vocal,相反是他会直接提出最近手头紧,不能去很贵的餐馆,然后我会建议我们在家一起买菜做饭)。 他的事业: 他工作压力还蛮大的,我们经常会讨论各自工作方面的事情。然后他们公司最近可能会被收购,他有开始找后路,怕万一新的management不好,就会换家公司。每个人工作都会有一些烦恼,没觉得他对现在的公司或者工作有什么特别不满之处。 我的工作: 最近工作中有一方面有特别大的变动,让我的日常工作变得特别烦恼(不过很多同事都收到影响,大家都在抱怨希望情况有所改变)。然后我一直希望能够加薪或者换一个薪水更高的职位(一直在留意但是还没有找到)。我们review要到明年春天呢,加薪肯定是有的,就是不知道会加多少。所以还真想不出来近期会有什么好事咧。不过承你吉言,要是真有好事我再来给你update告诉你哈。 谢谢小麦。
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16-10-22 17:48操作
回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=73094358#73094358]5961楼cute-wheat的帖子[/url] 哈哈,小麦你说的工作方面的我会注意。其实我从上周三开始到现在一直在做一个很大的project,所以压力还蛮大的(自己给的),估计还要一两周才能结束。 感情方面我也会注意,其实我性格蛮不做的,属于那种不如意情愿撤退都不想去直面问题的人(不过也因为知道这样不行所以才会在这段感情中试着先去解决问题而不是直接放弃)。 的确是要省钱,黑五也不准备买特别的东西,到时候直接用之前买好的gc就好了。我觉得你能够通过牌看出我在金钱上有问题真是太准太神奇了。 谢谢小麦哦,周末快乐。
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16-12-30 15:12操作
小麦mm,你最近好吗? 我和bf相处得还是挺好的,非常感谢你的帖子让我找到了属于自己的幸福。现在每天都好开心,祝你新年快乐哦。
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