Yes, I grew up in the US. Perfect formal grammar isn't important to most normal people. The "correct" grammar that they test you on in standardized exams aren't the same grammar as in everyday life. If you speak in formal grammar you are more likely to come across as some pompous ass than earn respect from anyone.
Of course your grammar needs to be close enough to be understood, but on obscure and minor things, it is not important to get the grammar perfect.
Listen to TV and movies, and hell, interact with some Americans to see how we actually talk instead of making assumptions from your ivory tower.
zicklingrad 发表于 5/31/2019 3:44:38 PM [url=https://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2421962&postid=80579216#80579216][img][/img][/url]
你是跟红脖子混的蓝领工人吧,工作中不用写东西不用书面表达。不然很难想象工作邮件和工作文书中出现语法错误竟然认为不重要。只有教育程度低打labor工的人才这样认为。很多学历低打labor工的红脖子跟你的想法一个样,看看电视侃侃大山,writing skills好不好不用关心,反正也不靠这吃饭。只有受过一定程度教育的白领金领阶层才会在乎语法准确性,不然写出来的东西贻笑大方。比如写一封律师信,上面都是语法错误,岂不让人笑掉大牙。