感谢教练的科普。我现在四十多岁每天weight training 健身,听Peter Attia podcast, 他说要DEXA scan,还有其他一些检查,建立一个baseline. 然后定期复查。 请问您有没有和您的医生有这样的交流?我现在和我的家庭医生要求DEXA Scan她都不给我开,说不到六十岁不需要。感觉完全不在一个频率上。开的常规血检就说normal. 可是我要的不是normal,是optimal.您会定期检查骨密度肌肉量什么的跟踪训练效果吗?
感谢教练的科普。我现在四十多岁每天weight training 健身,听Peter Attia podcast, 他说要DEXA scan,还有其他一些检查,建立一个baseline. 然后定期复查。 请问您有没有和您的医生有这样的交流?我现在和我的家庭医生要求DEXA Scan她都不给我开,说不到六十岁不需要。感觉完全不在一个频率上。开的常规血检就说normal. 可是我要的不是normal,是optimal.您会定期检查骨密度肌肉量什么的跟踪训练效果吗?
太谢谢教练的详细解释了!我不怕自己花钱做comprehensive blood work. 我非常愿意自己花钱做这个,但是我需要专业人士帮我分析结果,告诉我下一步怎么做,是改善饮食,调整训练内容,还是补充激素supplement, 上荷尔蒙疗法。这个是家庭医生还是personal trainer, 还是要两者之间沟通?我现在的家庭医生感觉就是你血压血糖正常没有糖尿病就行,匆匆打发。我想要的是帮助我在更年期快来之前根据我的肌肉量激素荷尔蒙数据量体裁衣做优化。我要的不仅仅是四十岁健康,我要的是80岁仍然保持行动自如每天不难受有生活质量。这个目标要求我现在就的开始。但是怎么找这样的医生呢? personal trainer 能帮我推荐医生然后建立这个合作关系吗?
windeyes6 发表于 2024-05-15 15:52美女好!希望你不介意我啰嗦。。
首先, personal trainers don''t know much about nutrition, let alone hormones. I know this might be surprising to hear, but personal trainers are more educated in training/workout, not nutrition. For hormones, unless they take special courses, or they have master''s degree, they can''t really help you. I work with a lot of women over 40 and I noticed a lot of them struggle with weight loss. I took different functional health courses so I know a lot more about functional health than your average personal trainer, and I help my clients to read their labs and give them suggestions.
Here is what you can do, you can go to a wellness clinic or hormone replacement clinic, a lot of them offer comprehensive blood work. (you can also get it done and bring it to them), they usually have practitioners to read the labs and give you suggestions. One thing I don''t like about them is, they are more motivated to recommend you to get on whatever supplements or hormones through their clinic, so they can make money from you.. (but you don''t have to buy any..)..
I usually recommend my clients to get blood test here
You can use my code MAY, you might save 5%. Lol. The cost for this fat loss panel is $190. When you order, you can choose “with review”, they charge you $75 to go over the labs with you. They also have other labs too. When you place the order, they will send you a doctor’s form, you will bring it and go to labcorp to get blood drawn. 过一二周你就会有结果。你可以弄一个lab corp 账户,输入你的名字还有SSN,那么result 就会自动链到你的账户,你可以下载。
I hope this is helpful! 不好意思又啰嗦了。
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