你听说过 Rubens Barrichello 么?他曾经是个 F1 赛手,从1993年到2011年。他是个有名的右脚刹车赛手。虽然所有的 engineers 都告诉他左脚刹车更快,而且他还是时不时的一直用右脚刹车。据说好像直到2010年他才改为全用左脚。说他是个有名的右脚赛手是因为除了他以外,自从95年以后基本就没多少F1赛手还继续用右脚刹车了。


"Since the first time I drove F1 I switched to right foot braking which is what everyone didat the time," he explained. "Around 1994 to '95 when left foot braking camein, I tried it but did not like it that much and had problems with it, sowent back to right foot braking. Then, this year I tried using my left footagain. I felt good about it and I raced like this for the first three orfour races of this season. But then, I got the impression I was not reallyon the pace and began to doubt this style of braking."

"When you doubt something it becomes unclear, so I decided to try going back to the rightfoot. Now, I am back to setting up the car better for myself and I am usingmy left foot more than in the past. I had a very good test at Silverstonebefore the race in Canada, so it put me into a stronger phase and I foundsomething better in terms of how to set up the car and how to drive."


BlueNDGold 发表于 5/31/2018 1:45:52 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2304084&postid=77728055#77728055][/url]
F1 赛车脚底下根本没有多余的空间放空着的左脚,一共两个踏板,一脚一个,要是全用右脚的话左脚就会以一个很奇怪的姿势憋屈着。另外F1 比赛时候很多时候需要两个脚同时踩Break 和throttle。 生活中开车基本没有需要油门和刹车同时踩的时候