“Open and fund a Regular Checking account with the Citibank® EZ Checking pricing package at citibankonline.com with a minimum initial deposit of $1500 by 8/15/2005.”
如果要在截止日期前open的才算,那现在申请是不是已经来不及了亚, 好像还要签一个文件在传真回去才行,再加上审批的时间, 不知道要多少天呢
“Open and fund a Regular Checking account with the Citibank® EZ Checking pricing package at citibankonline.com with a minimum initial deposit of $1500 by 8/15/2005.”
如果要在截止日期前open的才算,那现在申请是不是已经来不及了亚, 好像还要签一个文件在传真回去才行,再加上审批的时间, 不知道要多少天呢
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