Western supermarkets also have a lot more veggie options than what you have on the list, for example, Broccolini, broccoli Rabe, baby kale, Belgium endive, radicchio, watermelon reddis, butterhead lettuce, French bean, escarole, watercress, etc
Western supermarkets also have a lot more veggie options than what you have on the list, for example, Broccolini, broccoli Rabe, baby kale, Belgium endive, radicchio, watermelon reddis, butterhead lettuce, French bean, escarole, watercress, etc
mt.everest 发表于 2025-01-18 16:05很好奇,美国人吃的蔬菜品种少,是因为蔬菜种植工业化,还是因为美国人就是没品位不会吃,还是其他什么原因?
從小吃肉多,吃菜少吧。 Europeans are very similar. Europe restaurants also have very limited selections of veggies and very with fewer options than CA restaurants.
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