You'd need to plan ahead. Know what you can and can not do. Set everyone's expectation right. Don't give empty promises. 先小人后君子
我们独生子女,责无旁贷,父母也对我们很好,尽可能培养我们长大,我们肯定也希望他们老有所依,无奈是双独,还那么远,觉得父母很可怜做了决定, 就不要回头 or 想太多。You can only do the best you can and leave the rest to God (so to speak).
熊宝宝 发表于 10/5/2016 8:44:46 PM [url=][/url]
我们父母也是明理的,不会希望成为子女的负担,但我们子女也要早做准备,公平对待两边老人Then 那有什么好绝望的.
熊宝宝 发表于 10/5/2016 9:15:35 PM [url=][/url]
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