Golf - PGA
Tennis - US OPEN
Soccer is definitely not a us sport item.
投票: - 多选(最多可选4项)
截止时间:2033-09-20 03:01:02
截止时间:2033-09-20 03:01:02
Golf - PGA
Tennis - US OPEN
Soccer is definitely not a us sport item.
Unbeatable in 56 continuious clay master maches.
What a brithday gift for nadal!
太多人喜欢basket ball and soccer, 就不列了,
要不然, the poll will be没意思。
我喜欢baseball, i am a huge white sox fan, since i moved to chicago 6 years ago.
Baseball is a little boring, people enjoy hotdog and social more than the sport itself. People are moving, cheering, chating in the stands just as a big party.
Just my .2c.