偶也反对! 这基本上是让时光倒退几十年, 女人的生活就是围着男人转, 生孩子, 做饭, 做家务,捧着男人, 保持身材, 打扮也是为拴住男人的心, 哪还有自我? 还有凭什么这些都是女人的责任? 男人在家里就是吃饭, 享受的? 连孩子都不该管?
You have too many negative energy, ma'am.
He are going to do these to 拴住 your heart as well if you want to please him. If you dont want to do it, then maybe he doesnt want to do this either.
BTW, this article is to give out some tips to be a good woman, never mentioned that your other party(enemy?) are supposed to do nothing. All you said is just the refelction from your heart.
Be more positive wil reduce your which will give you more for your own goodness.
Just my .2c. If you dont aglee, just ignore it.