1. 在你下次打扫房间的时候, 滴1滴尤加利精油在小棉球上, 然后把棉球放入吸尘器的袋子里面. 吸完以后你觉得屋子里有什么样的感觉? 依次还可以尝试柠檬精油, 甜橙精油, 分别说说他们带给你的感受.
I put some 柠檬精油 into 吸
尘器的袋子 (or add directly to the fillter if no bag available), the imon
refreshing air flow out immdediately as the power is turned on... now
it is no longer a boring house work le..
Another idea is to put the cotton ball with essential oil to hair drier
(I have a special attachment hair diffuser on my blow direr), and do
the hair infusion (got this idea from the product of "Hair Scent
Infuser" at
the HairScenter, guaranteed to improve your mind while drying your hair
). Wow, the scent comes out quick and easy, I plan to Infuse essential
oils on the pillow, or even between bed sheets for a good sleep.
This is also a good idea to do a quick aromatherapy (the scent comes out muck quicker)
Another idea is to add several drops of essential oil to the air filter
of heat pump, then the whole space will be filled with a good smell,
especially after cooking or cleanup... or add some at the exit of air
conditioner in the room, then it will automatically be scented whenever
the heat pump is turned on....
(sorry I can't input chinese but really wanted to share my ideas, hehe)
I put some 柠檬精油 into 吸
尘器的袋子 (or add directly to the fillter if no bag available), the imon
refreshing air flow out immdediately as the power is turned on... now
it is no longer a boring house work le..
Another idea is to put the cotton ball with essential oil to hair drier
(I have a special attachment hair diffuser on my blow direr), and do
the hair infusion (got this idea from the product of "Hair Scent
Infuser" at
the HairScenter, guaranteed to improve your mind while drying your hair
). Wow, the scent comes out quick and easy, I plan to Infuse essential
oils on the pillow, or even between bed sheets for a good sleep.
This is also a good idea to do a quick aromatherapy (the scent comes out muck quicker)
Another idea is to add several drops of essential oil to the air filter
of heat pump, then the whole space will be filled with a good smell,
especially after cooking or cleanup... or add some at the exit of air
conditioner in the room, then it will automatically be scented whenever
the heat pump is turned on....
(sorry I can't input chinese but really wanted to share my ideas, hehe)
[此贴子已经被Favorite于2006-3-2 22:25:12编辑过]